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Rp 149.150

This poetry anthology is a compilation of submissions from life promoting poets from different parts of the world such as Nigeria, India, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, United States amongst others using powerful words through lines and verses to speak out for those whose voices hushed, rights deprived, hope terminated, humanity denied and life annihilated.

The aim of this book is to unveil the evil behind the act of abortion, its consequences and also to enlighten our world on the need to preserve, promote and protect the sanctity of human lives until every human irrespective of size (fetus, baby, lad, teen or adult) and location (womb or world) is given the right to life.

This anthology is a mouthpiece of the murdered and hopeful unborn children all over the world.

This book was compiled & edited by Adesoro Segun Emmanuel, sponsored by Yes2Life Outreach and published by Words Rhymes & Rhythm

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