On My Knees oleh Periel Aschenbrand
On My Knees is Periel Aschenbrand’s seriously funny follow-up to her debut memoir The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own.
At the beginning of On My Knees, we find Periel chain-smoking her days away on a plastic-covered couch, watching reruns of Law & Order while she squats in her deceased grandmother’s apartment and adjusts to being alone for the first time in a decade. So begins a Dante-esque journey through the many rings of single-girl hell that includes crazy one-night stands; an unhealthy attachment to a dental hygienist; a run-in with Philip Roth; and, in the end, a trip to Israel and an encounter with a man who just might be the one.
Hysterical and heartfelt, On My Knees traces Periel’s riotous attempt to rebuild her life, her relationships, and her trademark confidence.
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