Joy of Death oleh Keith E. Smith
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Joy of Death
Keith E. Smith
General Novel
Ukuran file:
1.00 MB
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Doing the right thing often comes with a price tag, but when Kelvin Elliott helps send Sam Joy to prison for the rape of a young student, he is unaware how much it will cost him. Joy has harbored his hatred for Elliott for twenty-five years and upon parole plans to exact a savage revenge. Kelvin has faced long odds before, but this time everyone he cares about is in danger, and he's on his own. His good friend Anthony Salducci is dead. The novel, set in the Southwest, is a fast-paced action thriller that will emblazon in the reader's mind that there is no joy in death.
Joy of Death is the third and final book in a series that features The Rainbow Scorpion and Desert Lilies.
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