I’m Speaking Up but You’re Not Listening! oleh Charlena E. Jackson B.S. M.S. M.H.A

I’m Speaking Up but You’re Not Listening! by Charlena E. Jackson B.S. M.S. M.H.A from  in  category
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Kategori: Family & Health
ISBN: 9781733566612
Penerbit: Bookbaby
Ukuran file: 0.75 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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In recent years, bullying has become pervasive in schools—but many teachers, school administrators, Boards of Education and even parents fail to recognize it when it happens. But Charlena Jackson has firsthand experience: her three children, and the children of other families, have all been victims of bullying. In "I'm Speaking Up But You're Not Listening!" she explores bullying and how other children are not always the only perpetrators. Adults can bully, too.


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