Tribulation Saints and Other Heavenly Bodies oleh Karen Hayes-Ritchie

Tribulation Saints and Other Heavenly Bodies by Karen Hayes-Ritchie from  in  category
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Kategori: Religion
ISBN: 9781543965926
Penerbit: Bookbaby
Ukuran file: 3.92 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Do we really understand what happens when we die? Is there life after death, and are heaven and hell real? Will there be a final judgment? Are you afraid to die? These questions, and many others, usually fail to bring satisfying answers. But Karen Hayes-Ritchie, with God's help, has found a unique way of doing just that. With a little bible study and by following this interactive guide, you will discover the destination for all humanity—from Creation to Eternity—and where they will wait for the Return of Christ.


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