Addiction Reform oleh Brett Sondag
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Addiction Reform
Brett Sondag
Bookbaby (Windy City Publishers)
Ukuran file:
1.29 MB
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Substance use will always be a popular interest in human culture.
But seeking help for addiction isn't always an appealing option. Today, more than ever, a new approach is needed to alleviate addiction within the individual and among societies.
"Addiction Reform" introduces THE VACUUM APPROACH—a three-dimensional reflection of the reality of substance-use behavior. This holistic model integrates developmental psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive-behavioral learning principles. Whether the behavior is a non-issue or very severe, this dynamic model explains the fundamental processes of every substance-use behavior. The goal of this unique approach is to be able to fulfill the personal aspirations of anyone with a substance-use issue.
Discoveries about how the brain works, to the innovation of ideas in behavioral health, continue to lead us to a better understanding about what addiction REALLY is.
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