Exam Prep for: oleh Mzn Lnx

Exam Prep for: by Mzn Lnx from  in  category
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Penulis: Mzn Lnx
ISBN: 6610000228270
Ukuran file: 37.54 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Chemistry is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. This book provides over 2,000 Exam Prep questions and answers to accompany the text Applied Green Chemistry Set Items include highly probable exam items: Curie, measurement, Solution, Radon, Acetone, Polymer, Combination reaction, Alkaline earth metal, Xenon,  and more.


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