Webster's Unabridged Vintage Edition oleh Noah Webster

Webster's Unabridged Vintage Edition by Noah Webster from  in  category
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Penulis: Noah Webster
ISBN: 9781455396146
Ukuran file: 44.53 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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The classic reference work, in an edition first published before 1923. As a Word document, the file is over 14,000 pages long. We have added over 6,000 links to help you navigate to the word you want. (Searching for a word would take you to any instance of that word in definitions, not the word you want defined). With this version, you click on the first letter, then the first two letters, then on the word that's closest to to the one you want (like the guide words at the heads of pages in a printed dictionary).


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