Out Of The Shadows And Into The Light oleh W.J. Thomas III

Out Of The Shadows And Into The Light by W.J. Thomas III from  in  category
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Penulis: W.J. Thomas III
Kategori: Religion
ISBN: 9781400330591
Ukuran file: 3.69 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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This book uses the study of types and shadows to decipher the events of the larger Exodus story (slavery through the Promised Land). The material will lead the reader out of the shadows of the Old Testament into the light of the New Testament fulfillments. The purpose of this material is to challenge the reader’s understanding of the way these events have traditionally been interpreted. Alternate interpretations will be presented with accompanying reasons and scriptures.

The chapters are intended to take snapshots of the six major events comprising the Exodus. They will be organized according to the following headings. The Journey out of Bondage will encompass chapters 1-3, slavery in Egypt, the establishment of the Passover, and crossing the Red Sea; The Journey in the Wilderness contains only one chapter, 4; and The Journey into Promise will complete our investigation of the Exodus story by viewing the last two events, crossing the Jordan River and entering the Promised land, chapters 5 and 6 respectively.

Some chapters need an additional explanation on a particular point; an excursus is provided to promote clarity. At the end of each chapter is a Discipleship Challenge with which the reader is asked to personally apply the principles presented. A study guide is also provided for those who wish to use this material in a small/cell/life group atmosphere.


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