This Sh*t Works oleh Kent Clothier
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This Sh*t Works
Kent Clothier
Business & Management
Bookbaby (Lioncrest Publishing)
Ukuran file:
4.94 MB
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Real estate can be the perfect way to escape the 9-to-5 rat race and become financially free, but how do you decipher what's real from what you've seen on TV? Not only that, but what kind of expectations should you have before you start doing this work?
You need a roadmap to real estate that is applicable, digestible, and written by an expert with years of experience—exactly the book that Kent Clothier has written.
Mixing in Kent's story and the lessons he's learned, This Sh*t Works lays out three proven strategies for consistently generating income in today's real estate market:
Quickly flipping properties for fast profit without using your cash
Working with an organization to acquire cashflow properties in a pain-free environment, where all you do is write the check
Putting your money to work in retirement funds so you can act as a private lender working with real estate investors and earning a sizable return
If you're broke after reading this book—that's your choice!
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