Stress Free Money oleh Chad Willardson
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Stress Free Money
Chad Willardson
Finance & Investments
, Business & Management
Bookbaby (Lioncrest Publishing)
Ukuran file:
3.44 MB
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Every day you're bombarded by ideas that could derail your financial future. Bad advice, differing expert opinions, and sales pitches are everywhere. You're faced with important money decisions that could either be very costly or really pay off in the long run. Whether you personally have $100,000 or $100 million, you feel the burden and stress of making the best moves for your future despite a lot of uncertainty.
How do you decide what to do with your money? Where do you turn for financial advice? What if you've been misled?
In Stress-Free Money, Chad shows you how to overcome the seven obstacles standing between you and financial freedom. He exposes the risks, biases, and major mistakes that keep so many people from reaching their goals. Financial security and peace of mind are within reach, but most of us don't know where to start. The insights and stories in Stress-Free Money will give you confidence and guidance toward a life where you spend less time worrying about money and more time doing everything else.
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