Parenting Unchained oleh Jenny Ng

Parenting Unchained by Jenny Ng from  in  category
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Penulis: Jenny Ng
ISBN: 9781544540542
Ukuran file: 12.05 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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While breastfeeding her infant daughter in 2010, Jenny Ng realized unconditional love is bi-directional; her baby accepted and loved her for who she was and who she was not. And she loved her child unconditionally. This epiphany released Jenny from her previous subconscious belief that she didn't deserve love—a lie that stemmed from wounds in Jenny's own childhood with unconscious parents and four siblings competing for their attention. Parenting Unchained details Jenny's journey to healing those wounds and becoming a conscious parent. Her story demonstrates methods to practice mindfulness in parenting, alternative ways to enjoy parenthood, and exercises to help build a deep connection with your inner child and your own children. Learn to be a curious parent and playfully break the chain of old patterns not only to grow your wisdom as a parent but also to better support your children and discover their true strengths.


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