Back On The Savage Trail oleh Jesse Wilson

Back On The Savage Trail by Jesse Wilson from  in  category
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Penulis: Jesse Wilson
Kategori: General Novel
ISBN: 6610000332052
Ukuran file: 0.40 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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It's time for the Autumn Bayok Festival Days in Dinosaur, and the full moon is near. Months after the attack, Jenny is consumed with revenge. Against her better judgement, she plans to return to Bayok's haunt, and her friend Mia refuses to be left behind.

The Festival has attracted the attention of long time ghost enthusiast Tamara and her friend, Myranda. To catch a glimpse of the legend, they head to the place where the previous attacks happened years ago. A ghost hunting television crew has also been dispatched to the same spot, and hope to record the beast.

After the unlikely group meets each other, night falls and the full moon rises. And soon enough, their trip turns into a desperate attempt to escape.


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