The Promise of Marielle Clarac oleh Haruka Momo

The Promise of Marielle Clarac by Haruka Momo from  in  category
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Penulis: Haruka Momo
Kategori: History , General Novel
ISBN: 9781718322462
Ukuran file: 22.46 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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April has arrived, and that can only mean one thing—Marielle’s twentieth birthday is right around the corner! Unfortunately, her joy is dashed when she flips through the latest edition of the gossip paper La Môme and finds that they’ve published an anonymous letter accusing Agnès Vivier of plagiarism. Though initially distraught, Marielle vows to get to the bottom of this slander. She goes undercover, scopes out snooping reporters, and even ends up communicating with her accuser through columns in the newspaper. As the plot thickens, Marielle realizes that one of the birthday gifts Simeon sent her has more significance than she thought, and she falls into some unexpected family drama...with La Môme reporter Pieron in tow! This is the eleventh volume in the adventures of this now-happily-married fangirl!


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