Under stjernene oleh KidKiddos Books

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Penulis: KidKiddos Books
Kategori: Teen Novel
ISBN: 9781525993947
Ukuran file: 2.40 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Det er sommerferie, og Mark ser frem til å ha et stort eventyr!

Men når moren og faren hans forteller at familien skal på campingtur, blir han redd.

Vil Mark overvinne frykten for mørket, og kan han nyte turen?

Norwegian children's book. Perfect for kids practicing their Norwegian language skills.

It’s the summer holidays, and Mark is looking forward to having a big adventure!

But when his Mom and Dad announce that the family is going on a camping trip he becomes scared.

Will Mark overcome his fear of the dark and be able to enjoy the trip?


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