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Rp 141.026

Two thousand four hundred years ago, Socrates and others were sitting around a fire debating questions that we still do not have answers to today. What does it really mean to live a just life? What does it mean to be a good person? These dialogues took place over 725 years before the Council of Nicea and 1000 years before the Quran was written, and still remain relevant in all our lives to this day. It does not impose a moral code or set rules as to how we should live, but asks the reader to think, and to ask for themselves what are the answers to some of life's most important questions. This version of The Republic of Plato - Book 1: Views on Justice, puts the ancient dialogues into modern language that is relatable and easy to understand, so that the book is fun to read, and most importantly, makes the reader think.
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