This quick reference guide designed for medical students, physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, residents, chiropractic physicians, physicians and physician assistants, and the independent medical examiners specialized in Family practice, Neurology, Internal Medicine, PM&R, Orthopedic Surgery, and other specialist in Musculoskeletal Medicine and Legal Medicine, as well as Attorneys.
traditionally muscle and orthopedic tests described ether in different chapters or (most common) in different textbooks. The book provides practitioners with is a quick, reliable, equipment-free way to test together natural (muscle testing) and special (orthopedic tests) movements.
Usually in the medical textbooks all tests listed in the alphabetic order.
In this book tests described in a logical order rather than in an alphabetical order.
For example, all tests for the cervical radiculopathy and cervical nerve root compression are grouped together. The optimal combination of the tests based on literature data provided.
Surprisingly different textbooks described even "classical" tests in completely different ways and sometimes under different names. Readers have the clear, non-confusing, and commonly used descriptions of the tests. . In some cases, if it seems appropriate the author's description of the tests used.
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