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Imagine feeling so much pain that you would be willing to give up every memory and every person you know to start over - absolutely nothing left behind you and only a new slate to look forward to - providing you live through the process. Chloe Gunn has everything any young girl should want, yet she wants to die, and just can't bring herself to do it. Instead, she volunteers for an unprecedented medical trial to induce amnesia where the answer seems simple: erase her mind and erase the pain. Drowning in pain, Chloe begins to sleepwalk through her own life, doing whatever she can to numb the ache. Even when she survives a horrific car crash, her low-spirited view is unrelenting. So, when Chloe discovers an ad for an amnesia-inducing experiment in a medical journal, it shines like a beacon. And Chloe isn’t alone. Even the young, beautiful, rich and famous actress, Victoria Palmer has become intimately acquainted with the slippery hole of depression. The Academy Award winner just dropped from the map at the height of her fame following wildly publicized substance abuse, a scandalized broken engagement and an affair with a married man. Yet sizzling hot commodities just don’t drop out of the limelight, which leaves the paparazzi to doggedly and publically speculate as to why? Miles across the country, and just like Chloe who’s caught in her own personal nightmare, Victoria craves any desperate escape out as well. But will she find it before it becomes too late? Think – the novel, The Bell Jar, blended with the movie, Sixth Sense…….an emotional, metaphysical ride down, and up – and where it stops, is in the unforeseen.
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