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A dog’s life is more than just tail-wagging, treat-begging and butterfly-chasing. In The Butterflies Above My Bed, Mya Mia Happy Michael (as told to her beloved human companion Samantha Michael), chronicles the joys, frustrations and general puzzlement’s of a dog’s life. And though a glass window separates Mya’s sunny perch inside from the wild, untamed world of the forest into which she gazes daily with full attention, the boundary between nature and civilization can be torn at any moment, as Mya learns when her world collides unexpectedly with that of a wandering monarch butterfly. She’ll soon be endearingly duped into “punishment” for her unintentional error but even that trick offers a few treats of its own. Mya navigates a human-dominated landscape filled with inexplicable gadgets, simple pleasures and strange holidays, unafraid to assert her “dogness” at every turn. The friendly beagle reminds her human audience that the length of a leash is an oh-so-surmountable limitation for a well-meaning dog with an appetite for adventure. Samantha’s own experience writing her memoir The Beauty of My Shadow aided Mya in composing hers. Together, they’ve helped each other power through the ups and downs of a world with a propensity for unexpected happenings, reminding each other that beauty is fleeting and fragile but it is nonetheless everywhere, ready to reveal itself to those willing to look A percentage of author royalties from the sale of this ebook are donated to charity of Mya’s choice. Please see www.anaid.org for details. Donated royalties are net of commissions.
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