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George Clooney is often considered one of, or is possibly the most eligible bachelor in the world, so why has his longest live-in companion been a pot bellied pig? Why has this attractive, charming, funny, rich, successful man, with a good social conscience, never found long-term happiness with a romantic soul-mate? Despite a string of liaisons with several beautiful women, he has never managed to sustain a romantic relationship beyond a few years. Is it because he is so wedded to his work? Is it because he has never found someone important enough to make a real commitment, involving sacrifice and compromise? Is it because he is not prepared to let down his guard enough to be part of a couple? Or is it due to something else? As a self-confessed workaholic with an apparent need for control, a strong self-protection mechanism and old-style male values, and a key support system involving a band of like-minded ‘boys’, finding the right soul-mate and staying with them, particularly given the public spotlight, will never be easy – but is it impossible? This book explores possible answers to the curious question ‘George Clooney & Single: Why?’. It looks at what we know about ‘The Man’ himself, what we know about ‘The Women’ he has dated, and why they don’t last, in the context of current thinking on how we choose a suitable mate and sustain long-standing romantic relationships. ** 50% of net author proceeds will be donated to George Clooney’s charity ‘Not On Our Watch’ **
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