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Rp 26.455

What would happen if a foreign nation purposely affected the economy of the United States and pushed it into depression so that it could conquer our nation through non-military methods? Further, what if the actions, decisions and policies of our elected representatives (President and Congress) were instrumental in setting us up for this foreign nation take over? This fictional, mainstream/action story, steeped in political opinion, offers one possible scenario, the emergence of an underground resistance that fights to drive the tyrannical foreign nation’s government from our shores and restore the United States to an independent republic and resurrects our freedom, liberty and ability to pursue happiness. The main character needs to first recover from a coma that resulted from injuries that are thought to have been purposely inflicted to silence his message, purposing amendments to the Constitution, to correct the weaknesses that allowed the malfeasance of our public officials, and avert the degradation the Chinese government wants to occur to weaken us to the point of just handing over our country. The main character, GARY SEVAN (a.k.a. CHARLES PINCKNEY), joins the resistance when he recovers from his coma, meets and falls in love with JUANITA SANCHEZ, the President of Hispania (formerly Florida), finds his missing son, BRADLEY, and influences a nation of non-combatant patriots to engage in sabotage, through a blog, It Is 1776 Again. When our protagonist joins the resistance he is swept along through the American Liberation War, which eventually wears on the Chinese protectorate sufficiently to convince them that the cost of the occupation of America outweighs the benefit and to leave, which allows the resistance to restore our independence. Unfortunately he dies from wounds received in a conflict but his son is then tapped to become the President of the liberated United States of America.
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