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Rp 132.807

Don't You Get It? Living With Auditory Learning Disabilities: A Guide for Parents and Professionals was written by three experts in the field, led by educator and speech-language pathologist Dr. Jay Lucker, along with Dr. Loraine Alderman, a school psychologist, and Harvey Edell, a former teacher. And all three co-authors have APD. The book is filled with important information about the disorder, but even more so, it gives several real-life accounts on how APD actually manifests itself. The book also addresses the inherited nature of APD, through the intergenerational stories by Edell, his daughter Alderman and Alderman's teenage son Andrew. This is an important book to read if your child often asks "What?" or just doesn't seem to "get it." And Lucker is one of the most respected sources when it comes to this disorder, so you shouldn't pass up any opportunity to read what he has to say.
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