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Rp 79.631

We lay on the bed, both naked. The weak afternoon sun dimly lights the room. He is the most perfect man I have ever seen. Everything about him is divine. I gaze at him with lust and desire. He says, “Close your eyes.” I close them tightly. I know he is smiling, I can hear it in his voice. I feel a touch as soft and light as a feather on my lips, slowly moving down my neck, then on my breasts, gently caressing my nipples. I feel like I’m going to explode. I try to open my eyes, but he is watching me and whispers softly, “No peeking.” I close my eyes again and try to relax. I enjoy the tickling sensations that are awakening every nerve ending in my body. I start trembling like I am cold, but it is just my excitement building. I feel his feather-light touch begin a southward journey towards my belly button. I gasp. He moves lower again…
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