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Rp 132.807

In the distant future on planet Earth, Aurora Alexia Spellman believes she is an ordinary person, until she comes of age and regains some memories of her past. Aurora has been hidden from the world she grew up in for her own protection. A letter from her mother clued her into why. Currently she is working on an ambulance and moonlighting as a waitress, while advancing her medical education to become a paramedic. Aurora spends her free time with a small group of friends that form a Wiccan group. One night she meets a young man named Lee, who helps her get away from an ex-boyfriend who will not leave her alone. Lee walks her home and they talk. He brings her in to meet Seth Knightwing, the leader of the resistance. Aurora passes paramedic school and her state exams, and then returns to the magical Realm for good. Within months of her return, the two realms start to merge. Several magical cities are destroyed in the process, while other cities return to both realms, throwing the non-magical folk into chaos. The Core system regains access to the rest of the galaxy as the merger continues. Aurora is one of the remaining Nine Princesses of the Core. Known as the Moon Princess, the protector of Earth and its moon, she and other resistance members start looking for the remaining descendants. Thus begins Witch: Rise of the Nine.
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