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Rp 125.526

Are you struggling with your waistline? You are not alone! ... The world is full of contradictory nutritional information, people are confused more than ever. Do we eat red meat or not eat red meat, do we drink milk or not drink milk? It is really hard to work out what we should be eating daily and what is in the best interest for us. Research is always proving things different over time, or it comes around again. A bit like fashion? We generally want to eat better as a whole, but some times we want to enjoy some not so good stuff that tastes yummy anyway. So…. what to eat? FEED THE BODY! Anyone can tell you exactly what to eat. There are plenty of diet and nutritional books out there that are doing that. Im not going to do that. I havent written this nutritional e-book just to tell you how and what to eat. Its written to help you make your own decisions, to get informed; to decide what is best for your body based on the information that is available to you; to help you make some sense out of all of the confusion out there in nutrition. Of course I do offer alternatives to you though, which can make a dramatic improvement to the way you look and feel. The one thing I really want you to understand is that despite what a food or meal tastes like, despite how much energy it provides you, at the end of the day, the food you ingest daily has a primary aim. This number one aim is to provide your body with nourishment in order to feed all your cells in your body, to grow and heal and move. Is what youre eating actually food or pretending to be food? Our trillions of cells are functioning every second of the day, and they need life force, nutrition, oxygen, water, movement and rest. Good nutrition = healthy cells, healthy body, healthy shape! Open your eyes with this easy to read, informative eBook and learn how your every day eating choices are affecting your health and waistline and what to do about it!
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