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Rp 132.807

How we think determines if we succeed in life, even how happy we are. Yet, how many of us have studied how to think better? Think Well & Prosper is good for managers, for people wanting to perform better at work or school, and for parents to teach their kids…remarkably, they don’t learn this until graduate school! Many people equate thinking with intelligence; they are not the same. Some intelligent people don’t think well, and some people with average IQs think very effectively. It’s better to have an average brain with Porsche thinking skills than a Ferrari brain with AMC Gremlin thinking skills. This book breaks the thinking process down into understandable sequences, steps anyone can follow. Incredibly, most people just don’t know what the parts and steps are because thinking isn’t taught in our school systems—but it should be! If you understand what just these six words really mean, how to do them, and do them habitually, your thinking effectiveness will soar: interpret, analyse, reason, infer, logic, synthesize. There are more word prompts involved in superior thinking systems, and all, once understood, will make a dramatic difference in your life. Chapters cover memory and how it works, level 6 questions (most people don’t even know there are levels), strategic life planning, problem solving, a decision making model, how to make better judgments using 14-steps (hugely important); 8C Thinking that is comprehensive, conscientious, candid, creative, constructive, critical, connective and correct, organizational patterns that help make you better understood, how to be more persuasive, how to make better inferences, and more. Think Well & Prosper is written by Steve Bareham, a college instructor who has taught critical thinking to management students for more than 12 years using this unique approach. If you find yourself regretting decisions that you make in life, or have trouble planning solid courses of action to achieve goals you set, this book can help.
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