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Rp 39.749

It all begins with an assignation of Philip Delrosa without a lead for the police to follow. Years later, Kristen Delrosa wins the lottery. She vows to find the individual that murdered her husband and the motivation behind the crime. However, as Kris and her best friend, Jewel, probe deeper into the case, painful lies float to surface. Kris soon realizes that she may have underestimated the extent some people will go to hide their past, further their careers and cover up their crimes. Kris and some unique friends follow a trail of lies and murders that leads through the underworld, big business and into the political arena. The more the group uncovers, the more they’re convinced they are in over their heads. Refusing to quit, the group finds the answers stretch to unimaginable levels of power and to a shocking act that no one could ever have anticipated.
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