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The Roman Empire had conquered much of the then known world but its borders were always a concern because of rebellion by local tribes. Legions were sent to quell them and so a constant need of replacement soldiers was always required to keep control. Britannia and Germania were two such borders. Lucius Portilus, a trusted Senior Centurion with the Praetorian Guard and a friend of Emperor Trajan, has been sent to Cyprus to recruit and train a new Legion. He was a tall strong man who led his troops from the front. His ability with a bow was incredible, the power with which the arrow was sent to its target and the distance it flew, was unsurpassed. He had quickly risen through the ranks and was soon noticed by the Emperor and transferred to his personal body guard. Lucius now held the highest Centurion Rank, Primus Pilus. His career was on the up and with Trajan’s patronage he could go all the way to General. But as time went on this perfect Roman started to have nightmares. Dreams of a past he did not recognise. Voices started calling him. A recurring vision of a warrior in a dark cloak and carrying a shield emblazoned with a Phoenix. Who was this man and what did it have to do with Lucius.
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