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Connecting the Dots: Palatal Myoclonus, Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia, Eagle’s Syndrome, Lyme Disease, and Babesia is my second book, and is devoted entirely to documenting the details of my son Jacob’s medical case. It includes the process of identifying relevant symptoms listed year by year, diagnosing my sons disorder, navigating the medical field and different specialties, and exhausting every treatment option we could for find for his palatal myoclonus. His path toward healing included medications, surgeries, and alternative medicine. Dosing, side effects, and all treatments and tests were shared in great detail. I also shared the advocacy efforts that were necessary to educate the teachers, nursing staff, and school administration to ensure a proper education.   Some of our efforts failed and some succeeded.  The search for a cure revealed he had more than one rare disease. Apparently, there were other factors involved that caused his excruciating pain. After visiting more than thirty doctors over the course of a decade, we diagnosed and cured our son through the help of strangers on social media. Then a nurse with experience and common sense told us to retest Jacob for Lyme disease and co-infections despite a previous negative test. We believe this myriad of rare diseases may all be connected to undiagnosed tick-borne illness, Lyme disease with co-infection of Babesia.  While it sounds simple, I assure you that tick-borne illness is anything but simple.
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