Girlz Rock oleh Kristi Holl

Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl from  in  category
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Judul: Girlz Rock
Penulis: Kristi Holl
Kategori: Teen Novel
ISBN: 9780310546047
Ukuran file: 8.29 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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God wants every girl to know she's awesome in his sight. He cares about everything—from bullies to boys, friends to future goals, and disappointment to discoveries. As far as he is concerned, girls rock! In this life-impacting devotional, God's girls will discover answers to the questions that boggle them most. Most of all, they will discover that God's loving presence is rock solid and their faith in him can withstand anything.


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