The Luminous Fish oleh Randolph E. Rogers
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The Luminous Fish
Randolph E. Rogers
General Novel
Ukuran file:
12.18 MB
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The Luminous Fish is the saga of three families on the Central Coast of California, in the midst of a modern crisis. Alex Sanchez and his family migrate north from Los Angeles due to unrelated natural and accidental events, clogging and disrupting the food distribution network in the Los Angeles basin. A false "famine" occurs as residents overreact, compounding the crisis.
The Sanchez family eventually land at the Kimball Ranch near Morro Bay. There are a series of ranch invasions beginning with livestock poaching escalating to violence and turmoil. The ranch becomes a sanctuary home for the families, two Hispanic and one Anglo, as they combat the repeated ranch invasions. Alex Sanchez battles his own personal demons as he fights off the intruders and attempts to save his marriage, his family and the ranch from disaster.
The outcome is a new reality, in which each family must come to terms, carving out their future, in a world of little certainty.
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