Carleigh's Cry, 'The Child in the Middle' oleh Sharolyn Turnbow

Carleigh's Cry, 'The Child in the Middle' by Sharolyn Turnbow from  in  category
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Penulis: Sharolyn Turnbow
Kategori: Family & Health
ISBN: 9781543963885
Penerbit: Bookbaby
Ukuran file: 0.42 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Adolescents face many challenges from peer pressure, identity crisis, parental divorce, and loss of trust. Carleigh's story illustrates these challenges through her own adversities, including her parent's separation and difficult relationships with her peers. This book is the first of many in a series that will give readers the opportunity to join the journey of Carleigh's life and watch how her world turns upside down---or perhaps right side up? "All thing work together..." (Romans 8:28, ESV). RIght?


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