And That's Called Sad oleh Balint Hancz

And That's Called Sad by Balint Hancz from  in  category
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Penulis: Balint Hancz
Kategori: General Novel
ISBN: 9781483540832
Penerbit: Bookbaby
Ukuran file: 0.12 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Now, my mum is a good mum, but sometimes she can be a cunt. She went ballistic when I failed my thesis. In all fairness, it wasn’t a real dissertation, just a collection of vague ideas of what a dissertation might be about. I could have chosen something shorter than Proust, though, a Baudelaire poem, like Isa, or a Marguerite Duras novella, like Karl. No, I had to prove something to myself. I had to read all seven of the books, in French, annotating everything, avoiding all people, avoiding all fun. I spent a big chunk of my life writing it, and it was such a waste of time. It did nothing for me, except for changing my life.


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