The Aligned oleh Kristy Berridge

The Aligned by Kristy Berridge from  in  category
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Judul: The Aligned
Penulis: Kristy Berridge
Kategori: General Novel
ISBN: 9780987524751
Ukuran file: 3.28 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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The Aligned is the continuation of The Damned; the third novel in The Hunted Series. This action-packed supernatural fiction follows on with the story of Elena Manory and her interaction with the fictitious characters from our dreams and nightmares. Questioning morals are exhibited frequently and choices are numerous and not without consequence. Humour is still scattered through Elena’s unique interpretation of most situations and relationships developed between both friends and love interests.


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