Second Grade Lesson Plans oleh Dr. Daniel Price, Sara Shoemaker, & Sara Loret
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Second Grade Lesson Plans
School Exercise
Price World Publishing
Ukuran file:
2.10 MB
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The Functional Approach to Character Education (FACE) Anti-bullying Curriculum is a K through 5th grade interactive model for alleviating the conditions that often cause students to intimidate other students, including lack of respect for another's feelings, lack of appreciation for physical/behavioral differences, and poor self-esteem.
Used by over 10,000 students dating back to 2001, this curriculum is now available via e-Book, both by individual grade or as a K through 5th grade package. Each of the 38 lessons includes a theme, classroom activity, discussion ideas, and takeaway points. Initially authored by Dr. Daniel Price, a licensed clinical psychologist, the curriculum has undergone revisions by grade level teachers since 2001, and modified to include activities that are fun and educational at the same time.
Topics covered include: Responsibility, Respect, Caring, Fairness, Trustworthiness, and Citizenship.
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