What Diantha Did oleh Charlotte Perkins Gilman

What Diantha Did by Charlotte Perkins Gilman from  in  category
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Kategori: General Novel
ISBN: 9789635241347
Ukuran file: 0.49 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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First published serially in Gilman's magazine the Forerunner in 1909-10, the novel tells the story of Diantha Bell, a young woman who leaves her home and her fiancé to start a housecleaning business. A resourceful heroine, Diantha quickly expands her business into an enterprise that includes a maid service, cooked food delivery service, restaurant, and hotel. By assigning a cash value to women's "invisible" work, providing a means for the well-being and moral uplift of working girls, and releasing middle- and leisure-class women from the burden of conventional domestic chores, Diantha proves to her family and community the benefits of professionalized housekeeping.


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