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In the initial publication of How Senior Marketers Scale the Heights, Author and marketer Nancie McDonnell Ruder conducted more than 50 in-depth interviews with some of the world's best marketers to study how they reached the pinnacle of their careers. Their wisdom is featured prominently and is backed by Nancie's insight from decades of experience. Nancie introduces you to "Jack" and "Jill," who represent prototypical rock star marketers thriving in today's complicated landscape and identifies the patterns that fuel their success. Given the recent extraordinary times, Nancie revisited the efforts of the marketing leaders she interviewed, plus new experts she met during the last few years, to understand what was still true, more true and newly true. This new edition of How Senior Marketers Scale the Heights provides readers a toolkit of resources, including the Noetic Art & Science Assessment™, along with anecdotes, insight and wisdom.
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